a book is a dream

Journaling as Sacred Practice is on the way!  

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Last weekend, I co-faciliated a labyrinth, meditation, and journaling retreat with my partner in Yoga Retreats Napa Valley. We spent the day with 15 women–and it was fabulous! During one of our writing sessions, I urged my tribe to journal about “my dream.” It was so powerful. This is what I wrote:

My dream is the success of my book on journaling, Journaling as Sacred Practice: An Act of Extreme Bravery.

I see myself being interviewed by Terry Gross. “What a great book,” she says. I laugh. “I had a bad break-up,” I tell her. “Instead of getting sad or getting mad, I started to write. I wrote 48 chapters in 48 days. And then I put the book in a drawer. I moved to Portland, Oregon. I moved to Napa Valley, California. When it was ready, it hatched.

Oprah calls. I don’t do the interview.

Louise Hay calls. She says, “Come to I Can Do It!”

Elizabeth Gilbert calls. She says “You go, girl!” We become besties.

Dreams, dreams, dreams. A book is a dream put down on paper. A song is a dream you can listen to. Did Mozart dream in color and did his dreams come with a soundtrack? My dream is for 2016  to be like one long, rolling, lazy summer day; an impressionist painting of picnics and watercolors clouds; of bread and wine and honeybees. I dream of the sound of water, the touch of a lover. The year 2016 should be a dress floating on a breeze, the sound of a train in the distance, a piano recital, the smell of apple pie through a window.

In my dream I rise up. I lift my heart and swallow the turquoise sky, the emerald river, the comb’s teeth of a vineyard row. I will calibrate my breath on the hush of waves. Let me rest there. 

My wish for my WordPress friends is that 2016 is BIG and BOLD! Decide who you are and do it on purpose.

christmas valentine

is it possible to excerpt from your own short story without blushing? This is

from a story in three parts, making something

of a mess of the traditional story arc. tsk.

this is for my pals in Portland.

ashes picture