Zen Up, calm down

You know that tight feeling in your gut at the end of the day that begs for release? Or that tension that kicks in right after you wake up,  when something big is up and you don’t feel quite ready?  Or maybe there are bigger questions looming and you don’t have a handle on how to handle them.  As one bright person said to me once, “your best thinking has gotten you this far. Maybe you should try something else.” Yeah, this just might be it. My friend, Becca Pronchick, has published a handbook for meditation called: No Matter the Question, MEDITATION is the Answer. It’s a book for beginners, full of great guided meditations. It’s also a go-to for people who have been meditating a while and need some new tricks to still the mind.  Either way, this smart, pretty little book has the potential to calm your heart and mind. In case, you know, it matters.



art + poetry

I can’t get enough of this book! Filled with images from the Ozarks to St. Louis, from Memphis to Venice Beach. Lush and bold, Sandra Giedeman’s prose takes the reader on unexpected journeys across emotional landscapes at once familiar and unexpected. In This Hour is filled with subtle reminders of the depth of small things. How can one who loves language not fall in love will lines like: Ten p.m. is when I think I could go mad in L.A. with a bird feeder and a barbecue outside my window. I wasn’t always like this. One thing I have learned. Everything in life is a metaphor for everything else.



sweet sister shoutout

Happy International Women’s Day! Show the amazing women you know, including yourself, a little well-earned appreciation! 

 “She had the perpetual sense, as she watched the taxi cabs, of being out, out, far out to sea and alone; she always had the feeling that it was very, very, dangerous to live even one day.” Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway
