write + now

This just in: Shut Up & Write comes to Marin County! I’m super excited to host a Shut Up & Write salon each week at 5p Pacific time. Wahoo! If you’re working on a super top secret book revision, passion project, poem, screenplay, graphic novel, blog, this is the place to get words on the page. #Brilliant.

Login to MeetUp for details.

six word story no. 187


Like love, the archers are blind*

*excerpted from the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca and brought to you with a  steady heart by Journaling as Sacred Practice: An Act of Extreme Bravery, available in print or e-book. April is National Poetry Month! Treat your inner poet to a new book.

six word story no. 120

He spoke of love and Rumi.


Brought to you with juicy creativity by Journaling as Sacred Practice. Support the Arts. Buy the Book. Wait . . .the holidays are coming. . .and books make excellent hostess gifts. You’ll want to stock up just to be safe.

Gifting Books


I recently read some Christmas gift-giving advice: give something to wear, something to to play with, and something to read. What a fabulous idea!  Years ago, when my first hubs and I were young and poor, we agreed that our entire Christmas budget would be an extravagant $100. We scurried off to get our creative best, and I headed down to Acres of Books in Long Beach, CA (a wonderful world of  new/used books). I blew half of my $50 budget on fabulous used books that I bought at a fraction of the cost of new, and that I new my young husband would love. And he did. It is one of the best Christmas memories ever, filled with love and joy.

Now lo, these many years later, I’m still giving books for Christmas. Nothing is more rewarding, tantalizing, or generous than the gift of a book. These days, I do love my e-books, especially for travel, but my home is still filled with stacks and stacks of delicious books — and thanks to me, so are my friends’.

If you love books too, and if  you’re looking to shop for books with meaning, you couldn’t do better than to check out our friends at Green Tara Press.  A small press, Green Tara specializes in books with meaning and depth, lovely tombs filled with poetry and wisdom.

This holiday season, you can shop the big box stores, or you can shop online with the giant online retailers. Or, you can make a stand for the arts, and buy a book from the indies. We love that idea, and we love our readers. Support the Arts: Buy a Book!

Wishing you a merry and jingly gifting and receiving season.

The Girls @ Sephs Salon

poetic genius

We are so proud of our dear friend, Sandra Sloss Giedeman, on the publication of her collected poems, In This Hour. Kudos also, to her publisher, Green Tara Press,  for this demonstration of exceptional good taste!


Support the arts::BUY THE BOOK!