write + now

This just in: Shut Up & Write comes to Marin County! I’m super excited to host a Shut Up & Write salon each week at 5p Pacific time. Wahoo! If you’re working on a super top secret book revision, passion project, poem, screenplay, graphic novel, blog, this is the place to get words on the page. #Brilliant.

Login to MeetUp for details.

J Camp Day 3

Three Wishes

If she had known there were only three wishes, she would have chosen differently. Obviously. But there had been no instructions, no bullet points. It was another example of the inefficiency of the system. Some opined that the system had grown too big for its own britches, that the safety measure and stop gaps had gotten out of hand. Cynics said the lawyers were behind the crack down. Others insisted the problem was created from a complete lack of imagination. Governor Moonbeam was retiring after eight decades of public service. Some said he would be missed. He told his successor, young Kennedy, “don’t screw it up.” She presumed he meant the ten wishes stockpile of surplus gold. But there were no guarantees, if the three wish rule was enforced. So far, everyone operated on the honor system. She was down to one wish. The books said choose happiness. The ads said choose gluttony. She was pretty sure there was some middle ground. One wish. Puppy breath. Snow. Public nudity. Art. Music. Zero gravity. Invisibility. Hemingway in his Spanish Civil War days. Elizabeth, the Virgin Queen. The Columbia Gorge at sunrise in her living room every morning. Polar bears. Bumble bees. Tree toads. Wild salmon. Stories, stories, stories.

Journal Camp Day 25

What I Never Told Anyone

  1. You’re smokin’ hot!
  2. That hat makes you look fat.
  3. No cake for me, thanks.
  4. I’ll have seconds of that liver!
  5. That mushroom tapenade doesn’t look like dog food.
  6. I’ll have the duck feet.
  7. Let me wax the car, darling!
  8. Move over, there’s room for all of us.
  9. Give me your tire iron.
  10. I love to go car shopping!
  11. Why yes, I’d love to get into a bidding war for that condo!
  12. Fried clams: mmm!
  13. There are never enough wildfires.
  14. Oregon pinot noir: meh.
  15. Travel is over-rated.
  16. Self-care is a waste of time.
  17. My chosen tribe doesn’t get me.
  18. True love is an illusion.
  19. God takes all my plans very seriously!
  20. Who needs income equity?
  21. Democracy as we know it is in no danger whatsoever.
  22. Creative writing is for fools.
  23. Canada is just too nice.
  24. Civility is for suckers.
  25. Watch out – that dog looks dangerous.
  26. Please, let me shave that beard for you.

six word story no. 190

“A short story is a shard.” — Will Self

May is Short Story month. Kiss a shard-maker, and support the arts!

six word story no. 188

Be more like your dog, yo.*

* brought to you with everlasting curiosity and a  steady heart by Journaling as Sacred Practice: An Act of Extreme Bravery, available in print or e-book. April is National Poetry Month! Treat your inner poet to a new book.


six word story no. 187


Like love, the archers are blind*

*excerpted from the poetry of Federico Garcia Lorca and brought to you with a  steady heart by Journaling as Sacred Practice: An Act of Extreme Bravery, available in print or e-book. April is National Poetry Month! Treat your inner poet to a new book.

six word story no. 185

Spoken each night by lovers unaware. *

*excerpted from California poet laureate Dana Gioia’s poem, “The Lunatic, The Lover, and The Poet”

Bought to you with reckless passion by Journaling as Sacred Practice. April is National Poetry Month! Order an e-book or hard copy today for the poet of your dreams.

six word story no. 182

The watchers made enormous clandestine bets.

Brought to you with ecstatic electro-magnetic field activity by Journaling as Sacred Practice. April is National Poetry Month!  Gift your favorite dreamy wordsmith with an e-book or paperback from Amazon.