les femmes

Cynthia Gregory is an award winning short story writer, lecturer, life coach, blogger, and spiritual seeker. She is also a truth-teller, which gets her into trouble more often than not. When she isn’t dreaming up new ways to tell stories about life, love, and the pursuit of dazzle, she is plotting her next adventure.  Her day job delivers her smack into the nonprofit world, and before you comment about how noble the profession, consider this: everyone is completely fabulous and no one needs anyone to rescue them.  She makes her home in the lush Sonoma Valley, where she may be found wandering the vineyards, struck stupid by the quality of light that shelters the coastal Mayacamas.

Cynthia’s book, Journaling as Sacred Practice: An Act of Extreme Bravery, is available on Amazon. If you buy two, you can gift one to a writer you love, keep one for yourself, and score extra karma points.

91 thoughts on “les femmes

  1. Love the name of your blog! Are you familiar with Sylvia Plath’s “Two Sisters of Persephone”? That’s what it calls to mind for me.
    Thanks for the follow and looking forward to chatting along the way.

  2. I’m glad that you liked my post. To know such a novelist, I mean you, is what wordpress all about. I red some of your writings and found it pleasing, interesting, and elegant. Dedicating your time for a cause; making contributions to people around you are the thing that keeps us from falling down the uncertainty trying to understand our humanity which some “HUMANS” have been forfeited a long time ago. I wish you keep doing what you do. Best wishes.

  3. Cynthia –
    I am flattered that you enjoyed my post, and am going to try to write them more often, as I think they are such a fun entertaining way to communicate.
    I am glad to know of your site, and will visit it often.
    Thanks Again
    The Site Vamp

  4. Thank you for the “like” today on my blog. I’m not sure how you found a blog written by an out-of-work newspaper guy in a small town in Iowa, but I’m glad you did. Your blog is an interesting place and I’ll be coming back in the future.

  5. Hey! Thanks for liking my blog – hope you’re enjoying the novel I’m blogging! Nice to see that you’re doing the same – are you getting some nice feedback? I just started reading it but stopped myself, I really ought to start from chapter 1! I’ll try and have a read tomorrow, busy day today!! Matty

  6. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and liking my post. I’ve really enjoyed my visit to this blog as well. Excellent work!

  7. I think I’m going to love this. VERY tired tonight and a little sick, but I’ll be back to look this up. Persephone is a real archetype for me. (read the poem in “Invitation to the Heron’s Path”).

  8. Dear Grammar Nazi,

    I laughed my ass off and, of course, was reminded of the old joke about the kid from Texas who, on his first day on campus at Harvard, stopped an upperclassman to ask, “Where’s the library at?”. We members of the Fortieth Reich should probably band together and open a peeve shelter so others can adopt our pets.

    I know it seems like we’re Col. Travis, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett and their merry but doomed band of brothers at the Alamo, but I intend to keep fighting the good fight. I hope you’ll be there next to me (in spirit, at least) as we defend the citadel against the invasion of misplaced apostrophes, mangled conjugations and tortured syntax.


  9. How delicious and delightful it must be to have a partner to blog with. Not only do you have two talented writers contributing (which means more flesh and less fluff) but you also get to use the royal “we” which, let’s admit it, sounds rather grand.

    • Yes, it did occur to us that the imperial pronoun might be considered over the top, but then we realized that regal actually suits us, and if not here: where? Regards two writers, the partnership is divine. We are thrilled to blogify our various fictions and dispositions. It suits us and makes us unbelievably happy. Just like getting completely brilliant messages like yours. Thank you for sharing. We love you!

  10. How delighted I was to ‘meet’ you and your blog today. Thank you for visiting mine and offering kind words by “liking” my recent entry.
    I look forward to learning more about your writing and art.

  11. Hey there!

    Thanks for stopping my my blog/tale (The Redemption of Erâth) and liking it! It’s great to have support from so many people!

  12. Thanks for reading and liking my post. It’s always nice to connect with fellow readers and writers online, especially such prolific ones! Looking forward to reading more from both of you.


  13. Hiya Cynthia & Pam!

    I’m commenting back as you are one of my earliest followers, just to say thanks for still being here (Thanks!) and to let you know that I’m on now also on Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/tbtalks) and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/PostsOfHypnoticSuggestion in case you fancy ‘liking’ the page or seeing what I Tweet. You’d be most welcome.
    Wishing you all the best

    PS if you’re already there – thanks again.

  14. Cynthia and Pam, what a beautiful blog you have here. Not just in an aesthetic sense, but in a holistic one as well. A Room of One’s Own, A Salon for Two, it really is the same. I love the look, love the ideas, love the presentation. I will certainly be back for more. Thank you for choosing to follow Wine and Cheese (Doodles), I am honored. I hope to see more of you both.

  15. i loved ‘The Rear View Mirror’, , the second to last 2 items were on my list for the year as well. and i realized after the second read , it was so reminiscent of how i talk to myself sometimes. i thought i would visit a bit to thank you for liking my quirky ‘dog loyal’ poem on 20 Lines, this novice scribbler really appreciates the encouragement.

  16. well, here i am again, happily, thanking you for liking a poem of mine. writing about ‘her’ is what i do most and i never seem to tire dreaming up different ways to tell her what she means to me. ty again.*smiles*

  17. Pingback: Blogger Recognition Award Nomination! | Literary Distractions

  18. Wow! I love this line, “Before you comment about how noble the profession, consider this: everyone is completely fabulous and no one needs anyone to rescue them.” I’m going to quote you in the next yoga class I teach. Cheers!

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